Outlook for the Best Gold Stocks

Gold is special kind of asset. If you would like to learn exactly how, login to your account and read Chapter 6, “Effective Ballast,” of the Vershire Stock Guide.

The price of gold and the price of gold stocks do not always move in lockstep. However, for 2015, they fell in tandem. The price of gold was down about 10 percent for calendar year 2015, and the price index of the seven gold stocks we cover was down even more, over 25 percent.

This fall might lead some to believe that gold stocks are now cheap, and it might lead some to ask if gold stocks are now bargains. Unfortunately, we feel the answer is no. Gold stocks have very shaky fundamentals and, at best, a mediocre outlook.

Furthermore, there are so few gold producing companies that, currently, there are no exceptions to the rule. Even the best gold stocks are not very good. To see the most crucial financial data on the seven gold stocks we cover, click the link below and scroll down to the section titled “Best Gold Stocks to Buy.”


Outlook for the Best Gold Stocks

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